We have an active patient participation group at our practice.
We have a small group of patients currently in our Patient Participation Group (PPG) but as times change, demands are greater we need YOU, our patients, or carers/representatives/advocates, to become influential and share your opinions with us to improve the service you receive on all health related matters.
Patient Participation doesn’t start and end with the practice – you can join meet up with and influence a wider population by joining the larger inter – practice groups.
All practice groups feed the needs of the local people to Wigan Clinical Commissioning Group and Wigan Council as they have joint responsibility for the health and welfare of all people in the Wigan Borough.
This is where you can make a difference to your practice, your health, and the future of health in Wigan, for you and future generations.
We want your opinion – it matters.
Join the group by email (gp-p92639@nhs.net) or complete the online form below.
Join our PPG
We welcome enquiries from patients who would like to join our patient group.